Cartoon (Turntable)

Danger Mouse and crew

A set of characters were created in a short amount of time, each character was modeled in about 7 hours (roughly) using a variety of images found using Google search. A big graphics forum challenged artists to re-create any iconic 80's characters and realise them in 3D. Obviously I went down the Danger Mouse route...

Homer Simpson

Homer was pretty much my 1st ever completed organic model, at that time Lightwave was my tool of choice. As a result of creating Homer, the company I worked for at the time allowed me to go ahead and realise a range of characters for a community based e-learning product.
Turntable render (to view on Vimeo in HD click here)
Danger Mouse (CGT challenge dating around '08/'09) / Homer Simpson (dating back to end of '05)
Penfold - 08.10.09 - Modo 401 test as Fur is now available :)
To Greenbacks' Lair!!
Greenbacks' Lair (original shot)
Colonel K is being realised
Baron Greenback is being realised
Leave him alone!
A typical non posed character with post processed DOF (can you tell!?)

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